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Isolation of the ARO1 cluster gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

F W Larimer, C C Morse, A K Beck, K W Cole, F H Gaertner

Mol. Cell. Biol. (1983), 3(9):1609-14PubMed | PubMed Central

The AROl cluster gene was isolated by complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae after transformation with a comprehensive yeast DNA library of BamHI restriction fragments inserted into the shuttle vector YEp13. Most of the transformants exhibited the expected episomal inheritance of the ARO+ phenotype; however, one stable transformant has been shown to be an integration of the AROl fragment and the vector YEp13 at the arol locus. The insert containing AROl is a 17.2-kilobase pair (kbp) BamHI fragment which complements both nonsense and missense alleles of arol. Subcloning by Sau3AI partial digestion further locates the AROl segment to a 6.2-kbp region. An autonomously replicating sequence (ars) was found on the 17.2-kbp fragment. Yeast arol mutants transformed with the AROl episome express 5 to 12 times the normal level of the five AROl enzyme activities and possess elevated amounts of the AROl protein. The yeast AROl fragment also complemented aroA, aroB, aroD, and aroE mutants of Escherichia coli. The expression of AROl in both S. cerevisiae and E. coli was independent of the orientation of the fragment with respect to the vector.

OriDB annotation of this paper:

ARS assay

None curated.

2D gel

None curated.

ChIP of replication origin proteins

None curated.

Replication timing

None curated.

Replication in hydroxyurea

None curated.

Predicted origins

None curated.

Confirmed sequence element

None curated.

Predicted sequence element

None curated.

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