Chromosome: 12345678910111213141516 Start: End: Update
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Chromosome features Transcription units
DNA Replication Data
Replication Origin Sites Confirmed Likely Dubious
Replication Timing Data Mean replication time (Trep) from microarray measurement of dense isotope transfer (heavy:light). [Raghuraman et al. (2001)] Mean replication time (Trep) from microarray measurement of increase in copy number data. [Yabuki et al. (2002)]
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Data ORC ChIP signal from tiled microarray. [Xu et al. (2006)] MCM ChIP signal from tiled microarray. [Xu et al. (2006)]
DNA Replication in Hydroxyurea (HU) Data ssDNA signal from rad53 cells after 90 minute in HU. [Feng et al. (2006)]
Replication Fraction Percentage replicated at time points through S phase. [McCune et al. (2008)]